Monday, August 27, 2012

A Love/Hate Relationship

I'm curious, do you guys have a love/hate relationship with your projects?

I love making things, but I find I go through a cycle with my creations...

When I first start on the project, I'm super excited and it's all that I can think about.
Somewhere in the middle, I start getting bored and feeling like I'll never finish it and I just want to be done with the whole thing...
And then suddenly, it starts coming together and I get so excited about it that I work obsessively to finish it.

Anyway, I've been a bit quiet lately because I've just hit the obsessive creating part of the cycle with my current doll.
I was bad last week about it...I didn't even want to get dressed because it would take away from my creating time! (The only exception is if one of my kids need me...they always take priority, of course!)

Here she is in all her pinned together, headless glory!
I can't wait to see how she turns out when she's all finished.
She's a very special gift for an old friend of mine. :)

In other news, Bliss has gone off to participate in the craft show at our local fair.
I'm not getting my hopes up to win anything, but I can't help but feel nervous.
This will be the first time any of my creations have ever been on display for anyone.
I know, it's just a silly little local fair, but still!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Lovely Friday- American Girl Dolls

When I was little, I used to get the American Girl catalog in the mail.
I loved when that thing would arrive!
I would study the pages for hours, dreaming of what I wanted.
Unfortunately, American Girl dolls are expensive...and even as a young kid I knew that.
I was never bitter or angry about not being able to get one, but oh, how I wished.
Twenty years later, my dream finally came true.
My dear sweet husband got her for me for my birthday.
My birthday isn't until September 7th, but he was too excited to wait.
(He's so funny like that!)
I don't think he expected my reaction when I opened the box though...
You can laugh at me, but I'll admit it:
I started to cry when I realized he'd actually bought me my very own American Girl doll.

I want to buy her some clothes, but it's just not in the budget right now...
I was pretty excited to discover that one of the dresses Summer has outgrown actually fits her!
(Plus, it's even more special for her to be wearing my precious little girl's outfit :) )
Anyway, I've named her Beth and she is what I'm loving today.
What do you love today?
P.S. Yes, when no one is home, I have been carrying her around and pretending to be a little girl again. ;)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Lovely Friday- Sunflower

"Just living is not must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower." -Hans Christian Anderson

I think the sunflower must be the happiest flower in the world.
Doesn't this guy just look happy?

This is actually in our neighbor's yard, but he decided to turn and look up our driveway when he blossomed.
He makes me smile every time I look outside.

Next to our old house, there's a big field of sunflowers. Every year, I mean to go out there when they're all blooming to take pictures, and every year I wait too long to do it.
They don't seem to bloom nearly long enough.
Hopefully I'll get around to it this year.

Anyway, I'm off to run a garage sale today and tomorrow. Fun times.

What do you love today?

Monday, August 6, 2012

Silly Little Monkey

My aunt and I are really close.
She's basically an older sister to me (we're actually closer in age than she and my mom are).

I was pretty broken hearted when she moved away to NC a week ago.
This past Saturday was her birthday so I wanted to make her something.

She loves monkeys and these are her favorite colors.
(It didn't hit me until later that his colors are similar to Boots the Monkey from Dora...D'oh!)

He's 11" tall (although most of that is legs, lol).

To be honest, I'm not 100% happy with his face.
One day I'll get it through my thick skull that I am not an embroiderer.
The whole process is a struggle for me.
I curse as I thread the needle.
I curse as I attempt to pull the thread through the fabric.
In the end, I'm all mad and frizzy haired
(yes, my hair gets frizzy when I'm mad. I think it's my super power.)
I think the whole process makes me not care for any creature I attempt to embroider lol.

But I don't hate how he looks either.
I'm sure my aunt will love him. :)

My favorite part about this little guy is his body.
It just fits so perfectly in my hand.
I'm really excited to make a little doll with the same body.
I think she'll be the perfect little companion doll.

Anyway, happy monday!
What are you working on this week?

Friday, August 3, 2012

Lovely Friday- Monster High

Today I love my Monster High dolls.
They're kinda my guilty pleasure...

I get just as excited as my three year old when we go to the toy section of Target!
I love seeing if I'll be lucky enough to stumble on any new dolls.

I adore their body designs and just the whole overall concept of the dolls.
They're pretty much just as fun to pose as my bjd's (and they only cost $12-$20, so big bonus there).

I knew when I heard they were coming out with a Phantom of the Opera themed doll, I would have to buy her as soon as I found her.
This is Operetta. I didn't take a picture, but she has the coolest shoes.

Robecca Steam is my newest addition. I just love her pretty face.

I love Rochelle's outfit and her color scheme. She also came with the cutest gargoyle pet.

I bought Abby on a whim (she was one of the cheaper Gloom Beach dolls), but once I opened her she immediately became my favorite. I'm not even sure why.
For some reason her posing feels more natural than the others.
She has such a pretty face and her skin has sparkles in it. So pretty.
I confess, I keep her close at hand so I can play with her. ;)

I have a couple more that are my current in progress customization victims (Frankie and Lagoona).
As much as I love the Monster High dolls, I really love them when they've been repainted.
I'm hoping to get decent enough so I can repaint my favorites.

Anyway, back to work on a little birthday present...

What do you love today?