Monday, October 29, 2012

I know what we're gonna do today!

I love that cartoon Phineas and Ferb.

I have seven dolls in progress right now!
Faces are sewn, bodies are sewn...and they all just picked the fabrics they want for their arms and legs.
As Phineas would say, "I know what we're gonna do today."

What's all this for?
I'm determined I'm finally going to open an online shop and I'm building up some inventory to do it.
I'm excited. I've only been dreaming of doing this for a few years!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Bunny for a Special Baby

Hey guys!
I've been hard at work this week making a gift for a baby shower (that I'll be going to tomorrow.)

My brother and sister-in-law are expecting a baby!
Baby Ruby is due to join us December 1st.

I'm pretty excited about being an aunt. :)

I wanted to make Ruby something special for her nursery, so I made her a little bunny.

She's 15 inches long counting her legs and ears.

I knew I wanted to include her name somewhere.

Her ears are wired so they can be posed.

I can't wait to give her to my sister-in-law tomorrow!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Punkin the Halloween Doll

I'm happy to introduce you to Punkin!

Punkin just loves Halloween and anything having to do with fall.
She could hardly wait for me to take her outside to see the pumpkins!

She's about 12" tall (but just 6" when sitting...she's got long legs!)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

My Little Pony- Rainbow Dash Inspired Plushie

My second commission is finally done!
One of these days I hope to finally design a pony that I love as soon as I finish it.
So far, with this one and with Penelope, they've had to grow on me before I decided I actually liked them.

It's kind of weird really...when I first finished Rainbow Dash here, I hated her and was so depressed.
I had to walk away for a few hours and when I came back I decided that she wasn't so bad.
After playing with her for awhile, I'm kind of sorry she has to leave now.

Do any of you guys ever have weird "relationships" with your creations like that?

Ah well, I guess sometimes we just have to step away from our work before we can appreciate it.

Anyway, here is my little Rainbow Dash inspired pony!

She's about 6.5 inches tall and 6 inches long.

She's going to be a Christmas present for a little girl that just adores Rainbow Dash. :)

Her wings are wired so they can be posed.

I hope she likes her!

Now I'm off to work on that little doll that has been so patiently waiting for a body...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sock Monkey

Finished the sock monkey commission!
I think she came out pretty cute (and the person I made her for loves her, so even better!)

I'm working away on the pony now. She's giving me a headache (which is why I'm writing this post and not sewing! Lol)
I'd show you progress pictures, but she just looks like a crazy inside out creature right now!
Hopefully she'll look more pony like by the end of this week. :)

This little face got a layer of paint also.
She hasn't decided who she wants to be yet, but I'm hoping she'll agree to something Halloweenish ;)
I think right now she'll just be happy with a body!