Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Facebook and a New Doll!

I finally made a facebook page for my dolls!
I'll still be posting on my blog, but if you want to see my latest works in progress, you can follow me here. I have a feeling I'll be updating it pretty frequently. ;)
In other news, I have a new little doll to show you all!

This is Porridge.

Porridge is a quiet girl.
She loves nothing more than to curl up with a good book and a warm blanket on a cool evening.

What are you guys working on this week?
Can you believe Thanksgiving is just a week away!?


  1. She's gorgeous! :o) I think her hair adds to her personality! :o)

    Is Thanksgiving earlier this year, or am I off my rocker? <--(until I googled this phrase, I thought it was off my rocket. lol)

    1. Thanks!
      I think it's a whole week earlier than it was last year!
      LOL, I think you should stick with "off my rocket." Alex would think that was super cool!
